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Promoting Mental Health

Meaningful Caregiver Engagement and Connection

The relationships and connections the infant makes with their caregivers affect how the infant will interact with the world and their surroundings. The first 3 years of the child’s life are crucial in creating connections that influence the brain’s development and the child’s well-being. Maximizing these connections in the early years can help them develop meaningful caregiver engagement and connection.

This includes interactions such as;

Having one-on-one time with parent(s).



"Human relationships, and the effects of relationships are the building blocks of healthy development". 

Social family and friends interactions.



Infants and toddlers will acquire social, emotional and cognitive skills with guidance from their families and caregivers. 

Interactions involved with smell, touch, and sound.



Researchers have identified that infants recognize the smell, touch, and sound of their caregivers. 

Imitation of caregivers facial expressions. 


Through imitation, infants show their awareness to important caregivers in their life. 

Secure Relationships with trusted caregivers.


Secure relationships provide a sense of safety and a base for the infants exploration and discoveries. 

Caregivers as role models for infants and children.

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Children learn how to handle emotions in a healthy way from their caregivers.

Helping infants form a positive secure relationship


Talking, babbling, and cooing with infants, responding to the when they cry and comforting them when needed aid infants in form positive and secure relationships. 


BC Children's Hospital. (n.d.). Infant Mental Health. Retrieved from


Dedmon, L. (2019, March 18). Mommin' Ain't Easy. Retrieved from


Global News. (2019, November 15). The importance of mental health and wellness of babies and young kids: Watch News Videos Online. Retrieved from


(n.d.). Retrieved from


Nhạy cảm các giác quan má»—i bé là má»™t nhà quan sát. (2019, June 5). Retrieved from


Novak, S. (2019, May 22). Baby's Social and Emotional Development. Retrieved from


Radio 4 in Four, The imitation game: why babies copy your facial expressions. (n.d.). Retrieved from


RIE Parenting: Can This Trend Help You Raise a Happier Baby?​. (n.d.). Retrieved from


Social-Emotional Development: An Introduction: VLS. (n.d.). Retrieved from


Sonno, tutto quello che c'è da sapere. (2019, May 15). Retrieved from





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